Thursday, February 2, 2012


 An Introduction to Online Advertising

In this blog we will introduce the various aspects of online advertising. We chose online advertising because it has a big impact on the business world and the IT world. It is very apparent that IT networking and businesses go hand in hand these days.
Some of the topics we are going to cover are advertising in social media, trends in online advertising, along with the multiple shortcomings of online advertising.
Most people have some form of connection to their friends or family through social media, such as Facebook or Twitter, and it seems that advertising through these networking sites is rampant. It is impossible to visit anyone’s Facebook page without noticing the online ads on the right hand side of the screen. However, these ads do seem to be relevant to the user’s interests.   
Another aspect of online advertising that we are going to discuss is trends in the business community with advertising, such as privacy controls and heavy advertising.
 Although there are many advantages to businesses switching to online advertising, there are multiple disadvantages that seem to get the most attention; due to their annoyance to the general public. As college students we experience these aggravating disadvantages on a daily basis. We get on Hulu or Youtube to catch up on a television show or we pull up Pandora internet radio to set the mood for our studying. We can’t even catch up on the news without being overwhelmed by advertisements. We are literally forced to watch these ads. You will see more ranting on this matter in a later blog so we will ease up for now. Throughout the next few weeks, we are going to look into these techniques and discuss how effective they truly are.

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